My Child Lebensborn» is a story-driven parent simulator, telling a true story. You play as the adoptive parent of a child in 1951, challenged with helping the child cope with events that happened to the children born of German soldiers during World War II in Norway.
The project is the idea of creative producer Elin Festøy, Teknopilot, and developed in co-production with Sarepta Studio AS, headed by CEO/ lead game designer Catharina Due Bøhler.
The game is available on AppStore and Google Play.
BAFTA 2019 in the category «Game beyond entertainment»
«Best Game of 2018, Small Screen» Spillprisen 2019 (The national Norwegian game award).
«Best Narrative», TapTap Awards 2019
«Best Storytelling» Pocketgamer Mobile Game Awards 2019 .
«Best Storytelling» Indie Arena Booth, Gamescom 2018.
The game has been selected for Games For Change 2017, Gamescom Indie Arena 2018, Tokyo Game Show Indie Arena 2018, Bergen International Film Festival 2018.